Thanks. You always have had such good articles here on Medium and I know you seem to be dedicated to a non-religious spiritual path of unity and love. In some ways, I hope a coming spiritual awakening worldwide. And yes, the US' (and the world's) consciousness needs a good raising at this moment. Perhaps that is what can come out of polarization. The US, every 80 years or so, seems to go through a "Fourth Turning" (the last 20 or so years of an approximate 80-year cycle, or once every 84 years according to some astrologers) where it faces an existential crisis— think the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War II and today. In each instance, thankfully, America reinvents itself and comes through as a better nation. It is, after all, about becoming a more perfect union even if we never perfect ourselves. I trust the US— and the world— will come through these crises better than before. Thanks for all of your writings, they have illumined us.