I like this last sentiment of yours best, Cynthia. Although much of what you say certainly appears on track to manifest, it is possible that the Christian Nationalists have overplayed their hand. Because what else could possibly awaken America more than this? Especially with Clarence Thomas’ “add-ons” to the Dobbs decision that let’s you know “we’re coming for your other rights, too.”
But the parallel I make here is the Fugitive Slave Act that occurred prior to the Civil War. White northerners were duty bound to return “property” to their “rightful owners.” Now it’s true there were any northern whites who didn’t care much, one way or the other about Black plight or slavery. But once Southern mentality started to bleed across Northern state lines, that is when Northern whites got their hackles up and said “enough.” And not just the “radical Republicans” and abolitionists, either. I believe people in contiguous states will do whatever they can to upend the extremism of this Court and of Trumpism. Now, perhaps my position is folly or I am just a cock-eyed optimist, but in the words of the Unitarian Transcendentalist (and vocal abolitionist) Theodore Parker said "the arc of the universe is long but bends towards justice.” Glad you ain’t dead yet. Neither am I.