For one reason, Lauren: finally, at long last, she is placing country over party. You need not remind me because I remember oh so well Liz Cheey (not too mention her dad, unaffectionately known as Darth Vader by many) stood by and encouraged the illegal and immoral detention of Guantanomo prisoners; supported Trump in 2016; stood idly by as Republicans "waved" at the despicable denying of Obama's rightful choosing of Antonin Scalia's successor on the U.S. SUpreme Court. On and on I could go. And no doubt she would still support many conservative policies reardng oil, the militray, the economy, etc. But we need her voice now more than ever. And the same with those on so-called "Team Normal" who told Trump he was nuts. Even that unethical, disgraceful Bill Barr. We need their words now. Loudly. It may be the only thing that preseves this 275+ year experiment.