Despite the obvious pro-Trump sentiments expressed here by readers, somehow touting the economy as an example of why the U.S. is not on the road to fascism(!), I laud Umair for raising the issue and speaking loudly. Better to be like Churchill who many thought were hyperbolic in his warnings against fascism in Europe in the early 1930’s. Fascism/authoritarianism comes in various shapes and colors and one size does not fit all but how else does one explain the entire Republican Senate collapsing and falling in line with Trump? Why is the lonely voice in the Senate pilloried and is endangered of being expelled form that party? The root of fascism is fascisti which is a tight bundle of sticks. The Republicans in charge, all of the House and all but one in the Senate are in that tight bundle and have lashed themselves to Trumpism. Only time will tell— and our speaking out for democracy and justice— whether our Republic survives in one piece.